Good, worthy film about Melbourne's rock scene and our independent media. Finally a film about this stuff; good. I applaud it. However, it did feel a little exclusive and only for the people who are involved in this community. So its whole premise was the wonderful non-mainstream music and culture we have and the community which is built around it the importance of being apart of that community and of community in general, yet was made by and for people of this community and no one beyond that. Felt like it needed more of a thorughline something to pull me through, but its hard to judge this film in the relation to structure cause that's not what it's about. Quite a difficult thing to do I would imagine, make a film about community for a wider community without betraying the heart and soul of what made the first community great in the first place. Didn't feel like I got a feeling of what Melbourne is and I think sometimes the film had trouble defining what it was trying to say. Good to see the wasted old rockers on screen and the young eloquently and poetically angry about the world.
Good for people to know.
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