I think movie club cherry popper SophieQ summed it up by stating whilst we were dodging old women in the foyer of the Regent Theatre..."I can't believe that I enjoyed that movie so much and it was so boring"...I'm paraphrasing of course but it was along those lines anyway (I'm sure Sophie will correct me pretty quickly). Funny Ha Ha, wasn't funny ha ha or funny peculiar, it was real. It was very American in the vain of Kevin Smith's Clerks and other talky films of the early 90s, where nothing at all happens its just a snap shot of the protagonists life. Its remarkably well done. All the characters are recognisable and awkward and things feel and look the way things feel and look in real life. Wonderful performances by unknown actors. there are some really great moments in the film and some funny lines which might as well have come out your best fiends mouth. Its only until you get to know the characters that their trivial and almost banal lives become interesting. Makes you realise how trivial and banal your life really is, which is always a comforting fact! Filmnut Gin Rummy liked it and the networking cherry popper SophieQ liked it too, I just think, I like films that take me away from my trivial and banal life.
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