Thursday, January 04, 2007


SARAH: Well this week sees guest reviewer MattyF...or as his is known to me with our poochy woochy namey wamey's Matchu Pitchu...not the cutesy wootsest name ever seeing as it is a big lump of dirt in South America...but...I have no excuse or reason for the pet name tis

MATCHU PITCHU: So I Married An Axe Murder follows the story of Charlie Mackenzie falling in love with Harriet who he comes to believe will eventually dismember him with an axe. His fear of commitment (ending prior relationships for reasons such as suspicions of the girls being kleptomaniacs as his cat went missing, another being involved with the cosa nostra because she was unemployed and another that smelt exactly like beef and vegetable soup) is quickly overcome when he meets Harriet because the title of the movie wouldn't've made sense if they didn't get married. However he suspects that Harriet is the notorious axe murderer when his mother points out an article in the Weekly World News (8th highest circulation in the world I'll have you know). So that's the story, but the only reason I've seen this movie a bunch of times is because of the characters. Well maybe just the one. Mike Myers genius comes out in also playing his own fiercely Scottish father Stewart. This particular character actually has a cult following of his own. Unfortunately though, it's only a bit part but includes passionate renditions of the Bay City Rollers (Saturday Night) and Rod Stewart (You're in My Heart) and virtually everything he says can be quoted between fans for good times (see potential attachment). Hilarious cameos by Phil Hartman and Steven Wright get it over the line.


4 stars: if you don't like this movie you need to lighten the hell up.

SARAH: I must add that the Labyrinth was also very fantastic - most things Jim Henson has his hand up are - yet even with my rich and varied experience (please note sarcasm) with doodles that David Bowie's cock is still a massive (yes quite massive) distraction even after all these years of maturity and refinement (no sarcasm)!


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