Monday, August 28, 2006

I'm a shit* movieclubber

To kick proceedings off today for this post I must apologise for my ineptitude regarding tonights movie club movie. With no more further ado here are the deets...I don't like using 'deets' it feels like I am aiding the contraction and the minimising of the English language and I know that this is hip and cool but wtf is going going to happen to us all? Will we just use snoring noises to comuni-c8?

2:37 @ the nova @ 7:35...feels like there's too many numbers there but I'm sure you are all pretty intelligent and will get your calculus calculators out you'll be able to figure out where when and what we'll be seeing in a matter of hours.

The second reason I am a bit shit at this movie club thing is becuase I have yet again been a cultured citizen of the Melbourne world and been to....gosh darn it...another thestre show... on Thursday night I went to see:

The Town Bikes in MILK.

I think my admiration of The Town Bikes and their choreography is pretty obvious in the theatre shows that I have choreographed. And their first (maybe this isn't their first but it is the first one I know about) theatre show (as opposed to their usual rock'n'roll side show cabaret style routines) is really quite amazing to watch.

Firstly: It has a narrative and Gabi and Carla as performers are more than up to the challenge. It's really very silly and as my lovely Pop says about about comedy performances that he used to see at the Tiv, "I like silly but I don't like stupid." And The Town Bikes are best silliest sexiest, funniest and milkiest dancing girls you ever did see. The show is layered with great music, choregography and a story which is comprehensible and adorable yet the show still relies heavily on the faces of The Bikes. The fact that they dance continuiously for 25 minutes and never do The Bikes nor the audience faulter or start to tire is a testament to true physical performers.

The only thing I wanted was a theatre to watch the show in. The gallery space 45 downstairs is of course an arty place but the shows intimacy I felt needed to be more focused spacially. I wanted a theatre, with a couple of focused spotlights and I wanted to sit in the dark. But maybe this isn't the Town Bikes thing and perhaps holding people's attention at rock festivals like the BDO and Livid is more their style.

I am not going to give anything away cause the show is going to be on at the fringe festival and I reckon for those of you into milk maids, cabaret, rock'n'roll, cartoons, comedy and dancing then this show is probably something you'll dig. So therefore there is no 'secondly'.

See ya in a couple of hours!

* shit meaning disorganised and with a lack of vobcabulary.


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