Thursday, August 17, 2006

Goodbye Miff and lets take a weekend in the country


Where to start this review!

Well it's good bye to the Melbourne International Film Fetsival. And it was a year of records...
SarahJ = 7 films (most ever)
Tim = 4 films (least ever)
Matchu Pitchu = 1 film (equal with last year, usually my record even though I promise to see lots every year and then beat myself up about how I
should get out and enjoy the plethora of cultural festivals and activities this great city has to offer)
Damu Tang = 18 films and longest comment to date...great overview of Festival.

For my closing night film (which happened on Friday night as opposed to everyone else's closing night on the Sunday...always like to be different) I went to see A Weekend in the Country: A History of the Meredith Music Festival. *sighs* I know all reviewing is subjective, but it was really hard to distance myself from the freedom and good times I have when I go to Meredith. The film, for those who have been to Meredith, makes you excited to go again, stressed about getting tickets and thankful that someone has been able to articluate what is so great about this particular weekend in the country. The film (unlike this reviewer) doesn't delve too much into sentimentality and sits nicely on a "isn't-Meredith-just fucking-awesome-and always-has-been-and-will-continue-to-be" level. Chris Nolan's story is really moving and what makes this fim really enjoyable is its ability to recognise all the different levels and elements that come together to make Meredith what it is. I reckon this film is to Melbournians (etc) what Block Party is to New Yorkers and that warm feeling that community gives you (you know that feeling you get after Meredith amongst the hang overs and come downs) shines through just like it does in Block Party.

And the film reminded me that the destiny of my gig seeing, which constantly lets me down (we don't talk about the flaming lips at the 2004 Big Day Out), was all leading towards seeing the Dirty Three at Meredith and watch Warren Ellis part the skies and through pure musical energy move the on coming storm away from the supernatural ampitheatre.

Next week's Film:

A SPECIAL MOVIE CLUB EVENT Because we've been all class for so long now its time for an injection of Hollywood.

Miami Vice @ 7:30 @ the Jam Factory*

*please note this is a no free tickets session and monday's are not cheap night at Village. But come and be pop (in both the popculture and popcorn kinda way). And no I can't change the day to tuesday for tight ass tuesday I do have other things to do with my time thank you very much!


At Monday, August 21, 2006, Blogger Theo said...

Hey Hey, Nice now i can procrastinate all over the place!!!

At Monday, August 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always sad to say goodbye to MIFF.... I saw only 12 films this year - was going to be 13 but my little poppet freaked out at Aunty Sarah's house and I had to pull the pin on Detour - or whatever it was called - the doco about Tour de France. Apparently I didn't miss much. I need to get back onto the fesitcal pass so I can top my record of 67 films but a bit tricky with a bubba....
I saw a mixture of docos and films and the films that stood out for me were probably Shooting Dogs - SO emotionally distressing. If you have seen Hotel Rwanda, a very good film but also a very very sad one about a true story from the Rwandan genocide, then it was probably twice as emotional as this was. It took a little bit of creative licence but it was based on many truths from the genocide. A brilliant performance by Ian McKellan and I can't remember the young guys name but he was quite gorgeous... My friend and I were left sobbing in many parts of the film. It is horrific what humans can do to each other. Last Days of Yassar Arafat was very interesting but the short before it - Veiled Ambition was just gorgeous, about a young ambitious "scarfed up" muslim woman who opens a clothing store in Sydney Rd. Refreshing to see different angles on what it is like to be a muslim woman in a western society. My brain is mush today and I can't think of any others that I particularly want to write about.... Ciao to James Hewison - you served MIFF well.

At Monday, August 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey carly, my theory on the poppet freaking is that me and my beard weren't around to bewilder her. certainly seemed to keep her quiet last time.

1st part of the meredith lineup apparently announced tomorrow people

At Monday, August 21, 2006, Blogger Sarah Hillman-Stolz said...

Well glad to hear that Carly had a teribly emotional and heart renching time at MIFF, shooting dogs is always inspiring...I must admit I am looking forward to seeing a happy imaginative movie cause serious films always seem to get praised for how terrible they can make you feel.

Theo, please clean up your procrastination afterwards...just gets dry and crusty otherwise.

At Monday, August 21, 2006, Blogger Sarah Hillman-Stolz said...

"terribly" I mean.

At Monday, August 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt - that must have been it. Ok so I will blame you. You can breathe a sigh of relief now Aunty Sarah not your fault!!! hee hee


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